The Lane Way

The narrow lane runs between two low rise office blocks, both with premium restaurants on the ground floor. It provides access to the restaurant kitchens and an inner city car park.

Its early in the morning. People on the way to work dot the streets. Its cold with a wind chill well below the official temperature. The wind whips off the harbour and rushes up the city streets come wind tunnels.

Peak hour hasn't really hit as yet so the traffic is sparse, like the commuters. Despite the early hour everyone rushes to work. Maybe to get out of the cold, may to get home early on a Friday, early in early out.

A large deliver truck has pulled into the lane way. The delivery truck driver has mounted the curb to allow other drivers access to the lane. He is busy unloading boxes of wine and water. A lady driving a small car indicates left to turn the lane. She stops and hesitates. She is unsure of the width of her car so in fear of hitting the truck she stops, effectively blocking all access to the lane.

At the same time a man in a large 4WD SUV indicates to turn right into the lane.

The truck driver, with fully laidened trolley disappears down the lane.

The lady in the small car toots her horn. Its a timid little toot almost politely asking the driver to move his truck.

The man in the 4WD sounds his horn demanding the woman move down the lane. She has plenty of room to make the manoeuvre, but she does not know that. She politely toots again.

He is safe within the armour of his macho machine so he sounds his horn longer and louder. She sits immobilised.


Lift Conversations